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【PS4】FF7リメイクとKH3の最新スクリーンショットがキタ━━(゚∀゚)━━ !!!!! やるしかねぇ!!!

【PS4】FF7リメイクとKH3の最新スクリーンショットがキタ━━(゚∀゚)━━ !!!!! やるしかねぇ!!!


1: 名無しさん 2017/02/19(日) 12:51:27.61 ID:1DG10DoR0.net ?PLT(12000) ポイント特典

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Dring a presentation at Magic Monaco 2017, Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts III
Director Tetsuya Nomura showcased new screenshots of both games.

The screenshots, one for Kingdom Hearts III and two for the Final Fantasy VII Remake (including the first boss),
were shared on Twitter after the panel by the official accounts of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.

You can check them out below, catching a brand new look at both games.

Both Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts III have no release date, or even a window yet,
but for the moment, they have been announced respectively for PS4 and PS4/Xbox One.

Recently Square Enix revealed a new piece of key artwork of the Final Fantasy VII Remake,
and a new screenshot of Kingdom Hearts III to celebrate the anniversary of Final Fantasy VII itself.

Final Fantasy VII PS4 Remake and Kingdom Hearts III Get New 1080p Direct Feed Screenshots

